
Golang Skill (draft)

May 16, 2023
golang, JetBrains GoLand IDE, Kafka, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, GoLand Debug, GoLand Remote Debug

GitHub Referece Development Environment # The Golang Development Environment is setup as follows: We use GoLand as the primary Integrated Development Environment tool. GoLand with Git Servers: to connect to Git Server,GitLab Server, Bitbucket and Github GoLand with Git: to manage Code Control - Local and Remote Git activities. GoLand Debug: to debug and learn everything about Golang GoLand Remote Debug: to remote debug to diagnose code issues and defects in the integration GoLand and Docker Desktop as an Integrated Development Environment: to create the development environment using Docker and Kubernetes e. ...

3 Holy Trinities (draft)

May 16, 2023

Architecture # TMN & CCiTT # SNMP & IETF # CoAP/LwM2M/IPSO & OMA # Any Architectures with Business Logic to be implemented using Finite State Machine # Event Driven Architecture # Monolithic Architecture # Domain Driven Architecture # Hexagon Driven Architecture # Data and Business Logic Modelling # TMN & CCiTT with M3xxxx-MIB # SNMP & IETF with RFC-MIB # OMA with IPSO for LwM2M and IPSO for Business Logic # Methodology # Process # Development Environment & Tools # DevOps Environment & Tools # CICD Tools #

Home (draft)

May 16, 2023

Here are the summary of the solution and standards for CoAP, LwM2M and IPSO: Solution & Standard to Support CoAP # Device and Protocol to work in a constraint environment – CoAP Constraint of Application Protocol Protocol operates s constraint resources, e.g. Power devices run using battery or Transmit data in an Intermittent and narrow band. CoAP protocol is a Restful-like API with Restful response code Operate in various protocol stacks, UDP/DTLS, TCP/TLS and Websocket, SMS and MQTT Message encodes/decoded and transported between devices using CBOR Concise Binary Object, Text, TLV, JSON Solution and Standard to support LwM2M # Device Communication with its Management System – LwM2M Light Weight Machine to Machine Protocol – engineered on the “wisdom” of machine to machine interface ...